The Espresso:
- You won’t gain customers out of the blue. “Build it and they will come” does not exist.
- First thing: How do you get your first 50 users?
How to Get Your First 50 Users Using Top Strategies for Customer Acquisition
PAUL: It’s Paul.
FLORIN: It’s Florin. What are we grinding today? Today, we’re grinding ways to get customers for your startup.
PAUL:Wait, Florin, so you actually need to find ways to get customers for your startup? So they are not coming just like that?
FLORIN: Oh, no, sorry, I’m wrong. This must be the wrong episode. Actually, you just have to build it and they will come.
PAUL: Okay, let me refresh.
FLORIN: It’s okay. You just have to finish working on the product and then you’ll be super successful without any work.
PAUL: Spoiler alert. A lot of it. If you listen until the end, you will learn from Florin how to buy a Lamborghini because that’s what I hope to learn from this episode of Florin, so no pressure.
FLORIN: Disclaimer, that won’t happen.
PAUL: Okay, maybe a small purple Lamborghini.
FLORIN: Okay, we’ll get to that.
PAUL: Okay. Now on a serious note, Florin, let’s say you know me, I’m a tech person together with a friend, we built a really awesome product that solves a really important problem. So we have this product built in a strong way. It’s a nice product, easy to use, and it works perfectly. Now what?
FLORIN: Now what that’s nice. Well, if you were to tell me, because of all these things I need to know, like your particular use case or what you’re going to try to use it for or how many customers you need to get. So in your opinion, how many customers or users would you need to get?
PAUL: Let’s say I just build a product based on a problem that I have. A couple of my friends are having that problem and I actually need, I don’t know, I think in the beginning I need, let’s say, 3,000 users, 10K.
FLORIN: Yeah, that’s a lot. Everybody would like to have those numbers, right?
PAUL: You’re smiling, so I shouldn’t start at those numbers?
FLORIN: No, I don’t think so. Basically because you don’t have an existing customer base. You don’t have paying customers, right? The next step is figuring out how many users you need and applying the top strategies for customer acquisition to get them.
PAUL: Well, I have my friends that are using the product and they are telling me that they are willing to pay for it, but not paying.
FLORIN: All right. So then we should start from, let’s say, the first 25 users. How do we get the first 25 users? It depends. If it’s users or customers, maybe the first time around it’s 25 users. Then you have 50 users, and then you will need to focus on getting 50 customers, and then move on from that to 100 customers to 1,000 customers, and then sky’s the limit depending on the app.
PAUL: So this is very interesting. to swing. So you’re telling me that actually the first users who are using my product, but they are not paying for it, I can’t consider them customers. So I don’t actually validate you that I can sell my product.
Building on Top Strategies for Customer Acquisition
FLORIN: Yeah, exactly. You don’t even know the usage. How often will they use the product? Will they use it daily? Will they use it on a weekly basis? Are they going to drop using it after three months into the app? After three months, maybe don’t offer enough value and they will just stop using it. So all of these things need to be taken into account. So that’s why maybe first you need users to actually use the product and then to start getting customers. Once you see that users actually like it.
PAUL: Okay, so those 50 initial paying customers.
FLORIN: I think we can make like a whole episode about it. So I think it’s in different stages. We can make different episodes and just talk on an individual episode level on how to get those. But normally if you want to get customers, you should start with things like actually, nobody knows the answers to that. But for the first 25, what I can tell you is that you can definitely go to LinkedIn, to networking meetings, to book clubs. If you’re selling something related to books and authors, you can go to coffee shops if you’re selling something related to coffee or that kind of industry. So it really depends on where you can find the most people who are passionate about the subject you’re talking about.
PAUL: Can we call them some direct sales? It’s actually investing, I guess you invest a lot of time for this.
FLORIN: Direct outreach can be one of the most effective top strategies for customer acquisition.Yeah, you would invest a lot of time for this. So the first 25 customers, you could even acquire them easily I mean, get them easily to join your startup, but it would be a lot of wasted time because you have to spend a lot of time with them to get a lot of learning so that you can build a better product so that you can attract the first 50 customers. So you need to be able to move from 25 to 50, and then you need to start making those people to actually pay for the product, which is a whole different thing, and you need different things for this. But in the first case, if you want to get customers, the best way would be to go where your customers are and just basically invite them over for coffee, tea, or beer, or whatever, and just discuss the problems like we talked about in the validation episodes, right?
PAUL: Yeah. So if you want to listen to that, just go listen to the validation episode and then maybe get back to this or listen to this and then go and listen to that episode also. Okay. So that’s one way of actually acquiring some customers initially. Now we know that actually as you grow, you need to increase the numbers. But maybe in a future episode, we can discuss, as you said, how you can get your first, I don’t know, 25, 50, 100, and so on.
FLORIN: Yeah, I think it’s going to be interesting to see how you can do it step by step. I mean, step by step is the best way, especially if this is your first startup, or if it’s a startup that has only one product. When you have more products, maybe it’s going to be much easier to get customers for all of the products than it is for when you have just one company with one product. But if you’re a company with one company with one product, then you definitely need to go through those steps. Otherwise, there’s ways to get customers. There are lots of ways.
Why Content Alone Isn’t Enough for Customer Acquisition
PAUL: Another way is that I hear a lot of it. I make a blog, I write content about it, and everyone will pay for my product that I advertise on my landing page or blog.
FLORIN: Yeah, this is like the biggest myth that’s been popping around everywhere on podcasts and videos, even online training programs. A lot of people will tell other people that, Hey, you have a startup so you need to start blogging. So it’s like blogging about what? Even better, how often will you blog? Because a lot of people are like, Okay, so you’ve built a startup, you will create two blog articles this month and you’ll be successful. And I will go to those people and I’ll be like, Damn son, teach me how to do that. Because I really don’t know anybody who’s ever done this. And it sounds so far-fetched. I mean, this could work if you have an audience like if you’re Rihanna and you have 100 followers on Twitter, then you’re definitely going to write a blog post and people are going to buy. But we’re not talking about Rihanna here, we’re talking about a startup that’s basically starting up and starting from scratch. It doesn’t have a following and stuff like that. So if you don’t have a following, then you shouldn’t focus your energies on writing two very great blog posts that nobody will ever read. Because what it turns out is, if you have a blog post, it’s the same as having a product. For a blog to be read by people, it needs to get to people. So how will you get that blog post to people? That’s where SEO, content marketing, and other top strategies for customer acquisition come into play.
PAUL: I pay an expert to do SEO for it.
FLORIN: That’s a perfect way to waste money.
PAUL: And you’ll be paying an SEO expert to bring me sales?
FLORIN: Yes. Well, there are multiple aspects of this because, for example, you can pay the SEO expert to drive sales, but the SEO expert will drive traffic to the site and a lot of people will come and see the site, read the content and the stuff you offer. But your conversion rate optimization is busted, then you don’t have product market fit and then nobody will buy and you will instantly place the blame on the SEO guy for your insuccess, but it’s not his fault, it’s your fault because you don’t have validation and you didn’t reach the steps until you get 100 paying customers. So until you do that, that’s what you need to do. You don’t need to go and do SEO on a blog because you don’t really know what you’re doing. Now, how you could use that, the SEO guy and the SEO stuff, and maybe a lot of content, maybe 100 or 200 pages on the site, is to actually use it to get traffic and then make pop ups and stuff for the people visiting so that they start subscribing to a place where you teach them about the solution you’ve created.
PAUL: Nice. So you actually grind them to say like that?
FLORIN: Yeah, exactly. That’s good.
PAUL: They’re paying for your product.
FLORIN; Exactly. You don’t really want to go directly into sales. What I’ve seen other teams doing is actually they’ve used the SEO guys to drive leads for the sales team, and then nobody was successful and it wasn’t the fault of the sales team or the SEO guy because there wasn’t a process for the sales team to follow because the product couldn’t be sold because the product wasn’t buyable. So it’s not the salesperson’s fault that nobody will buy the product. So that’s why founders in the early stages, they should be the ones doing the sales, the SEO and doing everything because they need to get a working model first. That’s why we call them MVPs. I mean, it’s a working model, but it’s like a working model for the whole business, not just for the product. So when you have a working model that’s done by the founders, then you can start scaling the team, adding in experts for SEO, adding bloggers, writers, salespeople, and other marketing stuff.
Paid Ads as a Strategy for Customer Acquisition
PAUL: The next one, and I see it quite often. I have the user persona that I assume I made for my startup, so I know who’s my target audience. I have money and I go on Facebook and try to target that persona with quotes, to say like that. I invest money in Facebook ads, or Google ads, or YouTube ads, or whatever ads.
FLORIN: It really depends on the type of business. Paid ads can be part of the top strategies for customer acquisition, but they’re most effective once you’ve validated your product and know there’s demand for it. If you’re in a market where there is not a very well perceived notion that people need your product, you shouldn’t do sales on Facebook and Google. You shouldn’t do ads on Google and Facebook. On the other hand, if you’re starting a saloon or maybe a car shop, an auto shop, then you would definitely want to try to do ads and Facebook ads and Google ads and stuff like that because it would directly help you increase your sales because people already know that you’re one of the guys in town who does that. So obviously they will be interested in trying your service, especially if it’s close to them and for other related matters. But if it’s like a real innovation, you won’t get your real innovation being bought and purchased by other people by doing these ads, especially in the first stages of the service. You might get to this after you’ve completely validated and obtain product market fit. But pre product market fit, you should usually stay away from ads. Now, there’s a lot of people that say you should go for ads and somebody was successful, but nobody was successful and they were just churning out money and their investors should basically punish them.
PAUL: Okay, I’m assuming for a certain stage, as you said, probably this makes sense because the costs are so well optimized that you can actually are making money from.
FLORIN: Those ads. Exactly. And you have so many metrics in place that make the whole thing make sense for your business.
PAUL: Actually, regarding the metrics, I will deviate a little bit from making money, but actually, what metric would you suggest to actually look? Is it like the amount of money that I’m making every month? The total amount of money that I made?
Customer Profiling and Top Strategies for Customer Acquisition
FLORIN: It’s the money that you’ve earned per customer versus how much it costs you to bring that customer in.
PAUL: Okay. Should I look, I don’t know, month over month, how much that customer brings me?
FLORIN: You should look at an individual level and have every user… This is the best case scenario, right? Where you have every user, you know exactly the source that brought you that user. So if it was paid ads or if it was SEO, if it was SEO, if it was content, or social media or email marketing, or I know influencer stuff. So how did you get that user? How did you get that customer? Then that customer ended up paying now, how much money did they spend with your company? And that’s like the total lifetime value. That’s the lifetime value, how much time the customer spent with the company and paying for the products of the company. So basically you would have a lifetime value of maybe $300 or $1,000 or something like that. And then you need to place this and see how much money it costs you to bring one of those people. And if you have lifetime value of $100, because that’s the case for a lot of startups, especially in the early stages, you have $100 lifetime value and you pay $200 to bring users and you have conversion rates. So basically you actually need to spend $200 because before you can bring somebody to pay and the average amount that somebody will pay you is $100, then you’re busting $100 per customer. Every single time you bring a new customer, you have huge losses. So that’s easily going to reflect poorly on every report that you make.
PAUL: So if I understand correctly, I need to pay attention to how much money each customer brings me, how much it costs me, and I need to do this per channel to say like that. Now, what that channel would be, we can see also because we currently discuss ads, content marketing, or that SEO specialist. But in the end it cost me because if I pay him or her $1,000 and bring me a user who gives me $100. So I spent a lot of wasted money.
FLORIN: This perspective. Exactly. So they may even bring you a lot of traffic, but none of that traffic converts to paying customers, so it doesn’t really matter that they’ve managed to do their job. It still won’t help you because that channel doesn’t work for your business. And this is the thing. There are lots of businesses. I started an online store at one point. I only did SEO. I didn’t do anything else. Nothing. We didn’t even have Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and stuff like that. And we were making money because we were on Google for every single item that we had inside the store. And we’ve made money from day one when we had the products and we got indexed by Google because people were already searching for that stuff. We were on the first page and they entered and they bought and everybody was happy. So our cost to acquire those customers was very cheap because initially we spent some time creating the content, but then once it was created, we didn’t spend any more time and money on the content to keep it running. Now, when you do ads, you need to constantly pay for ads.
But with SEO, you pay once and then you can start getting lots of results. Of course, it depends a lot on many different aspects that we don’t have time to discuss on a single podcast, but that’s what we’ve done and it worked. But I’m telling you, for other businesses, they will do SEO, they will do it as well as with it, and it will not work for them. So it really depends on a business to business case. And that’s why usually when you have growth hackers in your team and people who are oriented on growth, they will try to identify channels that work for your startup. Not all channels will work. Maybe you will have only one channel that will work and then you will spend five years not being able to find another channel that will work. So there are multiple types of channels. A channel means a way to get a customer like SEO or driving traffic via social media, email marketing or Google ads. But it might not work for your particular startup. So I’ve seen startups that only had success, real success, once they did TV ads. And you’re saying, TV ads?
Who does TV ads? And they were successful only with TV ads. So that was their biggest engine of growth for their company, the TV ads. And don’t expect this. I wouldn’t do this, ever. But they’ve done it and it worked. It’s about continuously refining your approach and applying the top strategies for customer acquisition that align with your business goals.
PAUL: I would do it if I made enough money to buy a Lamborghini.
Growth Hacking and Finding the Right Channel
FLORIN: Definitely. But you would have to place the price of maybe 30 Lamborghinis to actually find a working model even for that channel.
PAUL: Speaking about growth hackers, I know that at the end of the episode, you have a surprise for our listeners, like a code that will give them access to a couple of marketing hacks on a very nice platform. Is that part of the top strategies for customer acquisition?
FLORIN: Yeah, actually, they should just read the description inside the video, like the description of the podcast. So the description of the podcast and they will find the link towards the platform and also the code that will give them access to 151 hacks to be used to grow your startup. So it’s super interesting because you’ve got a lot of different ideas on what to try for all the kinds of channels that you would ever think of. So ways to get in touch with potential partners, ways to get more customers, ways to be awesome on social media and attract attention, ways to do advertising with very little budget spend. And it’s a super great collection of 151 hacks.
PAUL: What I think is nice to mention is that they’re actually validated. So they were used and not written.
FLORIN: Yeah, that’s true. Basically, you will learn from startups and actually apply them. And some of them we’ve applied ourselves and we’re successful using those methods. So you get stuff from Zappier, Facebook, Twitter, Quora, Neil Patel. Then you get a lot of stuff from other agencies and all sorts of different companies who are successful using those methods. And we tell you exactly how much success they had and how they’ve done it.
PAUL: You mentioned at some point about influencers. I will make the subject a little bit more broad to say like that. So I would call them affiliation. Should I use affiliation as a startup? And if so, when?
FLORIN: After product market fit, as always. But there’s also a way to use influencers before the product market fit, and you can use it as an engine to drive product market fit, basically. So it’s really pretty broad. Affiliate marketing is pretty broad. There are many types of affiliates. So even like influencer marketing, it could very well be an affiliation, but not like a classic affiliate marketer. So your influencer might be an affiliate marketer, might be your affiliate marketer, might be the affiliate marketer of a third party who worked with you, or the influencer might be somebody that you actually end up partnering up with on a real partnership level, not through a platform that divides commissions. So it’s really tricky to define this. Maybe we should have a whole episode just on this subject because I know that influencer marketing is very popular these days.
PAUL: And everyone’s an influencer.
FLORIN: Yeah, and everyone. Everybody is an influencer. But you can definitely use influencers before product market fit. If you, for example, use them to drive hype towards a landing page that talks about your launch event. So if you prepare a launch event and a product launch formula, I think that we keep mentioning the product launch formula on the podcast, but if you do that, then you can be insanely successful if you have people driving other people towards your launch. That’s basically how we launched squarely SEO. So we’ve done 100 people who got tickets to our event or launch event. We got them ourselves. And one of our influencers, who is also an investor, brought us 300 people. So we’ve managed to gather 100. And because this guy was an influencer and he was super popular, he brought 300 people who ended up using the product, giving us feedback. And then after we launched the stable version, they bought the product.
PAUL: So I think this is very important to have someone from that industry from that problem space who’s like an authority there. If it recommends you, then I agree.
FLORIN: Actually, when you’re looking at an influencer like we did, we already knew that he was a very big authority in that field and especially in that country in Germany. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have worked. I mean, if we just took a random blogger or a random YouTubers, it might not have worked. He was an authority. So I know that there are YouTubers who are authorities. Now, those are the YouTubers that you need to target. I may get, I know, 1,000 or 10,000 views on a video, but it doesn’t mean that I’m going to be the perfect channel to promote your product, right? So you need to figure out if that’s the right audience and if that audience would think that that person is an authority in the field because otherwise it just won’t work.
PAUL: I completely agree with this. But I know you said that we were discussing in another episode about affiliation, influencer marketing and everything. But if you would be, let’s say, to name one affiliation platform, let’s say I definitely need to do affiliate marketing for my startup, I’m in that position. Now, should I build my own affiliation platform? I don’t know. Should I go somewhere to do this? What would you recommend in this space? I know how to.
FLORIN: Recommend this this because we’ve done three completely different types. So we’ve completely built our custom affiliation platform. Then we’ve used the paid affiliation platform where we pay a monthly subscription so that they give us access to their system so that we can invite affiliates who will join our program, which is a hybrid between building a custom thing and going to a marketplace where they have affiliates. And we’ve also gone to a marketplace that has affiliates. So what I can tell you is that usually the marketplaces that have affiliates are actually the ones that actually work. So if you go to the AvanGate affiliate network, or if you go to ShareA sale, their affiliate network, they are usually very hard to understand. You need to spend a lot of time researching and finding out how those things work. But once you do, they will actually bring you people. And if you have some validation for the product, they will bring you customers. It depends, of course, on a lot of things. Sometimes they will bring you lots of customers and you make a lot of money. Otherwise, they will just bring you some customers. So there’s no guaranteed recipe for success.
It depends on a lot of things. Even like being on a share sale, you need to know how to convince affiliates to join your program. So then you need the product market fit between your product and the affiliates because you’re basically telling your affiliates to invest time and money into your products and it’s almost the same as getting customers. So you need to make sure that everything looks good for the affiliates and to do validation with affiliates because otherwise they will not love your program anyway.
PAUL: Yeah, because in the end, if you have an awesome product with an awesome affiliation program, but they’re in the same place, nobody knows about them, then it comes the question, do I promote the affiliation program? Do I promote my product? I think the takeaway is that there is actually no silver bullet. So actually it depends a lot on what stage you are with your product and with your startup. And for this, you need to apply.
FLORIN: Different.
PAUL: Strategies to call them like this. But I don’t know, do you think there will be something else that we should mention, or you should pay attention as a founder when you try to find ways to acquire customers.
FLORIN: Yes. One of the most helpful things that I’ve ever studied was a thing called what’s happening inside your business, like who are the key players, what’s required to do something related to your business? For example, of course, I will give my example with Squirrly. In order to deliver our software as a service that’s also a plug in, we usually go and tackle the plug inside. In our case, we will look at… Okay, so somebody will take the plug in. Once they get the plug in, they will go to our software as a service. Awesome. So what do we do? Well, who’s the customer? Well, the customers are business people, small business owners that’s like 66 % of our whole market. And basically these business people, they go to different events, they listen to different podcasts, they go to different meetings, they hang out somewhere, maybe they read different magazines, and those are your acquisition channels. So if you’re thinking about ways to get customers, think about how you can get in front of those people who you know will buy your product by using the things that you know about them. So you need to do a lot of customer profiling.
But in the case of the plug-in, for example, it’s a lot easier because in order to have a WordPress site, you usually need to have a developer. So then we can basically think, where do we find developers? Because if we get a developer, the developer will get us customers. So where do developers hang out? What do they do? Do they go to meetings? Do they attend different events, conferences? Do they listen to podcasts? They read different blogs. They read a magazine. Do they have favorite places to hang out? Maybe it’s not Twitter, maybe it’s Discord, or maybe it’s Facebook and not LinkedIn because nobody uses LinkedIn because everybody wants to recruit you if you’re a developer. So it depends on a lot of things. Then once you have a developer, you need hosting. So you need to go to hosting companies and think about how do I find hosting companies? Where do they spend their time? What do they look at? And this is the thing. You want to get in front of your customer. There are multiple ways to think about getting customers by actually thinking, how can I get in front of my ideal customer, which is a fancy way of saying, who’s the dude that’s going to buy my stuff?
And basically, once you know that, once you have that profile, then you can go and see how you can get in front of that particular person. And if you have multiple persons, then you definitely need to think how you can reach all of those individuals. And in order to reach them, you need to figure out where they spend time, what they read, what they listen to, what they watch. And once you know this, and who do they listen to? Because as you said with authority, who do they listen to? And once you have this figured out, you can figure out a lot of ways to get customers for your startup.
PAUL: Yeah, I think it’s very good advice. And it should be the take away, I think, of this episode.
FLORIN: Yes, definitely. Because this solves the problem of should I do ads? Well, if your customer doesn’t spend time googling stuff every day, then you shouldn’t do ads because they won’t see your ad because they’re not actively searching for solutions. But if you’re a car repair store or something like that, and you know that people are usually searching for how to repair my car in this particular area, or I need to find an Indian restaurant in Los Angeles, then you can definitely do ads. But if it doesn’t make sense for your customer because the customer won’t look there, then it also doesn’t make sense for your business. So this basically replies to, Okay, so you’ve talked about many different channels. Now, how do I find out which channels I should tackle first? Well, think about the customer and think about how you can get in front of that customer, and that will be your first thing.
PAUL: Yeah, because I think there is a point in which it makes sense to do a product hunt campaign. It makes sense, I don’t know, to do Facebook ads if you’re at a certain level. Definitely. If you’re an e-commerce website, probably it makes sense to do Google ads or SEO for the products because people will buy that product and will search for that product. I think there are a lot of ways in which you can do this. It’s very important to apply the right strategy at the.
PAUL: Yeah, because I think there is a point in which it makes sense to do a product hunt campaign. It makes sense, I don’t know, to do Facebook ads if you’re at a certain level. Definitely. If you’re an e-commerce website, probably it makes sense to do Google ads or SEO for the products because people will buy that product and will search for that product. I think there are a lot of ways in which you can do this. It’s very important to apply the right strategy at the.
FLORIN: Right time. Yeah, exactly, at the right time. Even if you’ve done some super hyper localized campaign where you attracted a lot of people that you need to attract and they came to your site. It only makes sense that you would start Facebook ads and Google ads to those people because you know that there’s already interest from their part and maybe you can reach out to them later by ads or invite them to your email list so that you can reach them via ads and email as well. And that’s how you will get customers using these methods. And you can even do this in the early stages before validation, basically, because you know that they’ve already had interest, they didn’t decide to do anything, maybe not bring them to buy a product, but maybe get them to, I don’t know, download an eBook, get their email address, get some contacts, download the report or download the course, get them signed up for something. And then you can. This will be your users and they are genuine users that you’ve reached via ads, and you will also get something out of that. So it won’t be wasted money.
PAUL: And I was just thinking now, and I think we can make a whole episode at least about should I start local? Should I start internationally from the beginning? Do I focus on a market, conquer it, and go international? Do I apply the Facebook model? I think there can be a lot of discussion around this also.
FLORIN: Yeah, that’s actually very interesting because at first, they didn’t even want to go to other different states. They just wanted to stay in one state and that’s it.
PAUL: Yeah. So I think there can be an entire discussion about this. When it makes sense to go wild from the beginning or start small and then conquer that market and go to the next one and so on and so on. Because, for example, I just thought it might be at some point, you white label your solution, you do all these stuff.
FLORIN: But again, it depends a lot on the… Yeah, definitely. You can also white label the solution. And that’s a way to get customers. And you can get tons of customers by using that method.
PAUL: Any other thoughts?
FLORIN: Well, I think that there’s going to be other thoughts on the other episodes. I was just thinking now that I didn’t talk anything about like partnerships. Right. Yeah. Did we mention partnerships?
PAUL: No. It’s sad that you could do some partnership, but I think we should go a little bit into them.
FLORIN: Yeah, so partnerships. The best way to think about them is now that you know what your customers, your ideal customers are looking at and how it can get in front of them, you need to think, who are those individuals that already have the interest of my people, of my ideal customers? So who are they? And if you can identify them, then start offering different types of partnerships to those people because they already have your audience. Maybe they’re selling other kinds of products that make sense for them. Maybe they have an email list with all your ideal customers. Does it make sense to build your own email list? Maybe. But those guys already have the email list with all your ideal customers. So why not reach out to them and tell them, Hey, we can do an email blast together and we can split the commissions that we get out of all the sales. And that’s a great starting point. And then we can definitely do an episode only about this.
PAUL: I think you can call this a hack. And I think that material that they find on the education cloud about those hacks definitely can be applied in different ways.
FLORIN: Stages of a startup. Yes, we basically call them hacks because it’s a very neat idea that was tested and it was basically decomposed. So it was put together by somebody, but then it was decomposed and explained every bit of it, how it works and why it worked. And that’s what you’ll find inside the education cloud if you click the link and you get the code.
PAUL: So don’t forget, click on the link in the description, enter the code found in the description, and you will get access for free actually, right?
FLORIN: Yeah, to the whole thing. So to all of the hacks, to all of the great.
PAUL: Marketing ideas. Awesome. I really hope that you found this helpful. At least for me, I think I’m closer to buying it.
FLORIN: That Lamborghini. Yeah, because of the TV ads.
PAUL: Actually, if I manage to buy a Lamborghini from TV ads, I would definitely come back and make an episode about how I made ads.
FLORIN: That would be nice. That would actually be nice. This was a light roast of everything that we’ve discussed according to ways to get customers. But then that would be a really heavy roast, a very dark roast on how you got a Lamborghini by doing TV ads.
PAUL: Now, seriously, try to apply the right strategy for the time that you are at and let us know if you want to hear us talking about other methods that work for us or for other people that we know. Applying top strategies for customer acquisition at the right time is essential to your success. Do this in our Facebook group.
FLORIN: You can join the Facebook group by going to startup espresso. Live and you will find the link to the Facebook group on top of the site.
PAUL: And if we have enough, maybe we’ll convince Florin to tell us how we can buy.
FLORIN: A Lamborghini. Yeah.
PAUL: Speak to you next time. Bye.
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